On 02/21/2010 04:26 PM, Henrik Nordström wrote:
> sön 2010-02-21 klockan 15:14 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov:
>> Please note that the CPU affinity hack where every process gets its own
>> core would not work if ${process_name} is not a number, but we can come
>> up with another hack to support that without enumerating all
>> processes/cores.
> From what I can tell that is about the only case where a number is
> really needed. But some simple conditionals and pattern rules can solve
> that.


> Another case would be multiple processes each listening on a port of
> it's own..
> 8000
> 8001
> 8002
> 8003
> etc..

Yeah. Supporting this would also require adding support for integer math

How about adding support for both ${process_name} and ${process_number}?

 process_name: squid1, squid2, ... squidN, cache1, cache2, ... values;
 process_number: 1, 2, ... N, N+1, N+2, ... values.

Thank you,


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