No. I tried .. doesn't help...but I have something interesting to tell..
the same squid config works fine for hotmail when the proxy is on a dial-up
ISDN line but does not work if the proxy
is put behind a firewall with static NAT. So just wondering If i have to
allow some specific ports on the firewall to the proxy from outside for
hotmail to work. I am attaching a text file to give u all clues to see where
the problem is . This is the source of the hotmail page when it says DONE.
It clearly  shows breakage.. Everytime it breaks there..even after
refreshing (ctrl-refresh, shift-refresh, etc) ..PLS. HELP


-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Kwan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 5:20 AM
Subject: Re: [squid-users] hotmail problem

may be the following info. help. (from squid FAQ)

11.16 ``Hot Mail'' complains about: Intrusion Logged. Access denied.
``Hot Mail'' is proxy-unfriendly and requires all requests to come from
the same IP address. You can fix this by adding to your squid.conf:



> Hi ,
> I am posting this qtn again as I did not get any reply..pls. help me..I
> have a strange problem with HOTMAIL. The page says DONE before it fully
> loads the page with No Display. I am using squid 2.5 stable 1 . I think
> the squid is sending Finish too fast, before actually loading the page.
> I am facing this problem only with hotmail . Allowed connections to 443
> (https) also in the config as hotmail requires it...but still no
> luck..ANy pointers ?
> Regards,
> Raja.

<html dir="ltr">
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Please sign in</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/1033/L/PPIE.css">

<script language="JavaScript"><!-- //
var CBSigninTxt1 = "", CBSigninTxt2 = "";
var CBLoginHead = "", CBLoginBody = "", CBLoginOnLoad = "";
var CBToken = "PASSPORT_UI", CBBodyDefault = "", CBLogo = 
"";, CBLogoHREF = 
var PPCBBodyPre = "", PPCBBodyPost = "";
function MPS_BodyOnload() { if (CBLoginOnLoad != "") { eval(CBLoginOnLoad); } }
function MPS_NormalizeURL(szURL) {
  var szNURL = szURL;
  if (window.location.protocol == "http:"){
   if (szURL.substring(0,5).toLowerCase() == "https")
    szNURL = "http" + szURL.substring(5, szURL.length);}
// --></script>
<script language="JavaScript" 

<script language="JavaScript"><!-- //
if (CBLogo > " ") { CBLogo = MPS_NormalizeURL(CBLogo); }
if (CBLoginHead) { document.write(CBLoginHead); }
// --></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- //
        if (top != self) 
function email2domain(sName)
        var len = sName.length;
        var iAt = sName.indexOf('@');
        var outName = "passport_com";
        var inDomain = sName.substr(iAt+1, len);
        var DomainSplit = 
        DomainSplit = DomainSplit.split(";");
        var i;
        for (i = 0; i < DomainSplit.length; i++)
                if (DomainSplit[i].toLowerCase() == inDomain.toLowerCase() )
                        outName = "";
                        var tmp = DomainSplit[i];
                        var x = 0;
                        var ch;
                        for( x = 0; x < tmp.length; x++)
                                ch = tmp.charAt(x);
                                if((ch == '.') || (ch=='-'))
                                        ch = '_';
                                outName = outName + ch;
        return outName;
function email2login(sName)
        if( !sName )
                return null;
        var outName = sName;
        var len = sName.length;
        var iAt = sName.indexOf('@');
        var inDomain = sName.substr(iAt+1, len);
        var DomainSplit = 
        DomainSplit = DomainSplit.split(";");
        var i;
        for (i = 0; i < DomainSplit.length; i++)

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