URL: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/pull/106
Title: #106: Add a new "files" provider

pbrezina commented:
**UTIL: Add a generic inotify module**
    if ((debug_level & SSSDBG_TRACE_LIBS) == false) {


**D-Bus Interfaces:**
I would like to see the interfaces like this. It reads better to me as a 
    <interface name="org.freedesktop.sssd.Responder.Domain">
        <annotation value="iface_responder_domain" 
        <method name="EnableDomain">
            <arg name="name" type="s" direction="in" />
        <method name="DisableDomain">
            <arg name="name" type="s" direction="in" />
    <interface name="org.freedesktop.sssd.Responder.NegativeCache">
        <annotation value="iface_responder_ncache" 
        <method name="ResetUsers" />
        <method name="ResetGroups" />

**DP: Add internal DP interface to enable and disable domains**
**DP: Add internal interface to reset negative cache from DP**
You can use `sbus_create_message()`

**FILES: Add the files provider**
static struct dp_reply_std
files_account_info_handler(struct dp_id_data *data,
                           struct sss_domain_info *domain)

Change it to `errno_t files_check_account_input(struct dp_id_data *data)` or 
move it into `files_account_info_handler_send()` please. It is not necessary to 
move creation of reply further into the code.

I didn't know what `sf_` prefix stands for (sssd files), I believe keeping 
`files_` prefix as in the names of sources files and structures and other 
functions will read better.

`delete_all_users/groups()` -> you can use `sysdb_delete_recursive()`

**CONFDB: The files provider always enumerates**
We do not have to support enumeration just because we do enumeration 
internally. We can make it default, yes. But do not force it.

**CONFDB: Make pwfield configurable per-domain**
`nss_get_pwfield()` move to `nss_util.c`. You can include nss_private.h there 
for sure.

> > You say that a domain is disabled during enumeration and we fall back to 
> > nss files. Do you expect the update to take a really long time? Wouldn't it 
> > be better to jus wait until the enumeration is done?
> I was thinking about this for some time and it seemed safer to me to
> fall back. But just when I was thinking about this again today, I
> realized that at least the InfoPipe interface has nowhere to fall back
> to, so the behaviour must either differ on the cache_req level between
> the nss responder and the ifp responder or we should wait until the
> domain updates in both cases.

Do not special case. Currently users are waiting several seconds to get remote 
identities so I think an occasional little delay with local users is acceptable 
(but we need to block client until enumeration is finished so we always return 
accurate information). Keep in mind that:
* the change will be still pretty fast on most systems since sssd users do not 
usually have large `passwd` and `groups`
* unless it is a kickstart the change in files will be triggered by user input 
and there will be a delay before the user will provide another command

If there will be pushback we can try to optimize it later but I would start 

See the full comment at 
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