On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 3:31 PM, Peter Saint-Andre<stpe...@stpeter.im> wrote:
>>>> While we're discussing upgrading roster handling, can I put my request
>>>> in for hanging arbitrary xml off the roster entries, please?

> Look, folks, this is a major redesign of core XMPP functionality. I
> think we need to tread very very carefully here. What *exactly* is truly
> broken (as opposed to not aesthetically pleasing)? What problems are you
> trying to solve that are not solved with jabber:iq:roster? Etc.

Please note that what I'm proposing isn't to overhaul handling, just
that while we're throwing a new namespace on it for other reasons
might be a good time to be able to include an arbitrary payload, like
the name and group ones we already have - I think such a change
wouldn't even be inappropriate for bis (which I should discuss on the
other list), but I was wondering about throwing together a quick XEP
for people to comment on, and then maybe roll it in if appropriate.


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