On 18 Jan 2018, at 15:43, Sam Whited <s...@samwhited.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018, at 09:39, Dave Cridland wrote:
>> To suggest that a Council Member voting -1 is stalling is a very
>> serious charge, and suggests that they are deliberately misusing the
>> standards process to the detriment of their position.
>> Therefore I would like to give you the opportunity to retract that 
>> accusation.
> I don't think there is any malicious intent behind this if that's what you 
> mean, but I absolutely think this is just stalling because the initial 
> feedback window was missed and I do not want to spend any more time and 
> effort on an XEP with constantly shifting goalposts that can never be 
> published because there's always one more change that needs to be made before 
> it's perfect.

So, to summarise here. I sent my feedback out before it was required by a 
Council vote, so that we would be able to address it all before the vote, and 
not add additional delays by first -1ing it, then giving feedback, then voting 

But if you would rather, you can pretend that I didn’t give any feedback for 
the most recent Last Call, waited until the meeting yesterday, and posted it 
all to standards@ as the suggested remediation for -1 in the meeting.

The end result is largely the same, but I did it in a manner that meant we 
would be able to have had it advanced by now, had that been important to us.

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