On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Chetan Sahasrabudhe wrote:

> Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 11:00:06 +0530
> From: Chetan Sahasrabudhe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: forms tag ? serialaizable
> Craig:
>     I am using struts and am pretty impressed with the way you good ppl have
> comeup with such a generic and helpful framework. I will like to contribute
> in the development efforts, can any one tell me how can I contribute in this
> great work.

The short answer on getting involved in any Jakarta project starts at:


For Struts in particular, we're trying to wrap up the 1.1 final release,
so looking at the outstanding bug reports:


for either Struts 1.1, or the Commons packages we rely on (beanutils,
collections, dbcp, digester, fileupload, lang, logging, pool, and
validator), and post suggested patches as an attachment to the bug report.

We'll also start discussing the next generation here on STRUTS-DEV, so
feel free to participate in the discussions with your own thoughts about
where Struts should go.  Eventually, a combination of code contributions
(patches and/or proposed enhancements) and contributions on STRUTS-DEV
will likely get you nominated as a committer -- besides having direct
commit access to the CVS repository, that also means you would have
binding votes on the future of Struts.

> Regards
> Chetan


PS:  it's considered rude on mailing lists to hijack someone elses thread
to talk about something different ... you should really start a new thread
instead :-)

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