Essentially I just want to display a different content in that area of my
layout.  And I considered using a jsp:include, but by the point the logic
determines that a different page needs to be in that spot it has already
loaded a bunch of JSP variables and stuff into the page, by including
another page with variables potentially the same would it mess everything
up?  Also for example was:

if (x condition is met)
<jsp:include "blah.jsp>


Would that return successfully quit running any logic from my original jsp?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Adam Hardy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 1:14 AM
Subject: Re: Tiles Redirect Bug on a per Tile basis? Help!

> On 10/29/2003 11:52 PM David Erickson wrote:
> > Ya sorry that is a hard question.. here let me give more explanation:
> > <definition name=".Default" path="/tiles/layouts/base.jsp">
> >
> > <put name="header" value="/tiles/header.jsp"/>
> >
> > <put name="menu" value="${menu}"/>
> >
> > <put name="body" value="${body}"/>
> >
> > <put name="footer" value="/tiles/footer.jsp"/>
> >
> > <put name="logon" value="/tiles/logon.jsp"/>
> >
> > <put name="title" value="Sales Web"/>
> >
> > <put name="messages" value="/tiles/messages.jsp"/>
> >
> > </definition>
> >
> > <definition name=".Forum" extends=".Default">
> >
> > <put name="body" value="/forum/index.jsp"/>
> >
> > <put name="menu" value=".menu.Forum"/>
> >
> > </definition>
> >
> >
> >
> > These are my two tile definitions in my tiles-defs.xml file.  I call a
> > file, for example test.jsp it contains:
> >
> > <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>
> >
> >
> >
> > <tiles:insert definition=".Forum" flush="true">
> >
> > <tiles:put name="body" value="/forum/test-.jsp"/>
> >
> > </tiles:insert>
> >
> > (which is basically just a way to call a definition without using a
> > action for right now)
> >
> > The above fills everything into our page layout and overrides body with
> > test-.jsp.  Now test-.jsp goes into the body slot, the main area on the
> > page.  I do some logic in it and determine, before its rendered, that
> > user is not logged in or whatever else, and instead of it going into the
> > body area it needs to redirect to another page to fill that slot.
> > when I try that the body area just comes up blank.  And thats just
> >
> > url = response.encodeRedirectURL(request.getContextPath() +
> > "/forum/transition.jsp");
> >
> > response.sendRedirect(url);
> >
> > return;
> >
> > I know the above redirect code works, because when I put it in a .jsp
> > does not includes our tiles layout it works fine.
> It's not clear whether you want to do a redirect to take the user to a
> different page, which is what I assumed from your first message, or
> whether you want to stay on that page and just have different content in
> your body slot.
> If you only need different content, why do a redirect? Why can't you
> just do a straight jsp:include?
> Adam
> -- 
> struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
> Linux 2.4.20 RH9
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