
On 18 Oct 2015 16:34, "Dirk Hohndel" <> wrote:
> > On Oct 17, 2015, at 11:55 AM, Stefan Fuchs <> wrote:
> >
> > Hello Subsurface team, hallo Dirk,
> >
> > reported the following issue to Dirk today and he already had a first
look at it:
> > Unfortunately the new subsurface 4.5 under Win10 on my side immediately
crashes during startup after I added a new dive with the planner.
> > In fact it already crashed during adding the dive in the planner
multiple times but I once managed to save the change.
> OK, we figured out why it crashes. It's a bit late here and my tree is an
a somewhat chaotic state.
> So instead of causing a mess right now I'll clean things up and push them
out tomorrow and then
> create a "daily build" that you can test.
> > Now Subsurface crashes immediately on startup because the affected file
"Stefan.xml" is the default logbook file and loaded on startup.
> I'm still not quite sure why THAT would happen, though... I fear there's
another bug hidden
> somewhere
For me anyway, the crash occurred when the mouse pointer goes into the
profile window.  Can you confirm it's the same for you?

Move mouse to bottom left of screen when starting and it shouldn't crash.

Obviously, this isn't a solution, it is just to test it's the same bug
we're talking about.

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