On 2019/08/10 22:09, Willem Ferguson wrote:
On 2019/08/10 20:30, Linus Torvalds wrote:

Just looking at that graph, I'd be comfortable using the 4th-order approximation for the valid range (ie pO2 of 0.6-1.6, which is what we have data points for).

I'd also think that the extensions _past_ that range look sane - BUT I think that if subsurface uses those extended areas, we should give a BIG BIG warning.



Your plan could work because when pO2 < 0.5 no CNS calculation is made, so the part of the inaccuracy below 0.5 is irrelevant with respect to the algorithm for calculating CNS toxicity. However, the "bug report" we had about negative values highlights one issue: If people plan or log dives with pO2>1.6, how should one handle these badly-behaved data in terms of CNS so that a value as realistic as possible is reflected?

Kind regards,


Here is a part of the deco for a sea dive. Although most of the depths are a tiny bit shallower than 6m, there are regular occurrences of pO2 1.7 and 1.75. Of course there are also many values lower than 1.6. But as a diver I would like as realistic an assessment of CNS as possible.

Kind regards,


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