if you look at fullrun.net.xml in the gui, you can see that only the lower
left corner of the bounding box is determined by a network edge whereas
the upper right corner is empty. The bounding box value is computed based
on one edge that extends far to the north and a different edge that extends
far to the east. Due to the non-linearity discussed above, your linear
boundary comparison fails.

However, each geometry point in the net.xml has the following properties:
- the mapping embedded in the .net.xml (UTM + offset) allows accurate
back-and-forth translation between x,y and lon,lat
- the x,y coordinates match those in the .xodr network
You should be fine in mapping geo-coordinates onto both networks.


2018-03-13 11:24 GMT+01:00 sravan kumar chaganti <sravan.chaga...@gmail.com>

> Hi  Jakob,
> Thank you so much for clearing the mess. The approach what you mentioned
> worked for those files.I used the same approach for few other files, The
> results are not matching. Attached the files for reference, PFA.
> 1. The .net.xml file's* convBoundary="0.00,0.00,4314.87,4287.14"* and
> *origBoundary="78.310312,17.347622,78.350594,17.386423"*  and 
> *projParameter="+proj=utm
> +zone=44 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"*.
> 2. The header tag of the .xodr is follows  *<header revMajor="1"
> revMinor="4" name="" version="1.00" date="Tue Mar 13 12:34:47 2018"
> north="4287.14" south="0.00" east="4314.87" west="0.00"/>*
> *3.  *I used  upper-left to lower right corner approach.
> *Observations with proj library:*
> > echo 78.310312 17.386423 | proj +proj=utm +zone=44 +ellps=WGS84
> +datum=WGS84      +units=m +no_defs
> > 214207.29       1924309.43
> > echo 78.350594 17.347622 | proj +proj=utm +zone=44 +ellps=WGS84
> +datum=WGS84      +units=m +no_defs
> > 218430.65       1919953.44
> xExtent: 218430.65 - 214207.29  = 4223.35.
> am I missing any important steps to match the corners?
> Thanks,
> sk
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:08 PM, Jakob Erdmann <namdre.s...@googlemail.com
> > wrote:
>> Hello,
>> the discrepancy arises because the origBoundary is given with the
>> lower-left and upper-right corner whereas the actual network coordinates
>> run from the upper-left to the lower right corner (coordinate
>> transformations are not linear).
>> If you convert the correct corners using the proj library you will get
>> the appropriate convBoundary:
>> > echo 76.587682 17.848470 | proj +proj=utm +zone=43 +ellps=WGS84
>> +datum=WGS84      +units=m +no_defs
>> > 668236.75       1974135.55
>> > echo 76.615430 17.839935 | proj +proj=utm +zone=43 +ellps=WGS84
>> +datum=WGS84      +units=m +no_defs
>> > 671185.83       1973216.18
>> xExtent: 671185.83 - 668236.75 = 2949.08
>> regards,
>> Jakob
>> 2018-03-12 8:11 GMT+01:00 sravan kumar chaganti <
>> sravan.chaga...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks Jakob for explaining very clearly and  Now I taken   .net.xml
>>> file's  *origBoundary* values are reference to calculate the *XY 
>>> *boundaries.
>>> The observations are as follows.
>>>    - .net.xml file's  
>>> *origBoundary="76.587682,17.839935,76.615430,17.848470"
>>>    *and the equivalent *XY *boundaries are
>>>    *convBoundary="0.00,0.00,2949.08,919.30"**.*
>>>    - After my calculations i got the following boundaries in
>>>    Cartesian coordinate system ( *0.00,0.00,2941.2,**944.6420* ), which
>>>    are not equal to  *convBoundary.*
>>>    - There is some differences in *XY *boundaries. can you please
>>>    suggest me the calculation/formula you are using to match  *convBoundary
>>>    *values?
>>> Thanks,
>>> sk
>>> On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 3:52 AM, Jakob Erdmann <
>>> namdre.s...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> this is not a bug but rather a misunderstanding. When you downloaded a
>>>> bounding box from OSM the <way> element was not cut into parts but rather
>>>> retrieved with all its nodes even those outside the bounding box.
>>>> The .net.xml covers the full geometry described by the <node> objects
>>>> in the osm file (you can replace 'node' with 'poi' and load the file into
>>>> sumo to check this).
>>>> The .xodr file is completely in sync with the .net.xml file.
>>>> regards,
>>>> Jakob
>>>> 2018-03-08 13:18 GMT+01:00 sravan kumar chaganti <
>>>> sravan.chaga...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> What are the options i have to set while converting .osm to .xodr to
>>>>> produce same scaling without enlarging the boundaries.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> sk
>>>>> On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 8:40 PM, Jakob Erdmann <
>>>>> namdre.s...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> please provide the .net.xml file as well.
>>>>>> 2018-03-07 12:44 GMT+01:00 sravan kumar chaganti <
>>>>>> sravan.chaga...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Hi Jacob,
>>>>>>> following command is used converting from .osm to .xodr
>>>>>>> *netconvert --osm-files "Straight_Map.osm" --opendrive-output
>>>>>>> "Straight_Map.xodr"*
>>>>>>> following command used for converting from .net.xml to .xodr.
>>>>>>> without any options i thought it will pick defaults from config
>>>>>>> *netconvert -s "E:\GEO2XY\Straight_Map.net.xml" --opendrive-output
>>>>>>> "E:\GEO2XY\map.xodr"*
>>>>>>> The real geographical  limits of that location is
>>>>>>> X=(0,97.52472);Y=(0,47.59625); and the opendrive header is like 
>>>>>>> following
>>>>>>> * <header revMajor="1" revMinor="4" name="" version="1.00" date="Wed
>>>>>>> Mar 07 15:08:12 2018" north="919.30" south="0.00" east="2949.08"
>>>>>>> west="0.00"/>*
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> sk
>>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 4:54 PM, Jakob Erdmann <
>>>>>>> namdre.s...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>> please provide the following information:
>>>>>>>> - netconvert options for generating the networks
>>>>>>>> - the contents of the <location» element in your .net.xml file
>>>>>>>> - the contents of the <header> element in your .xodr file
>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>> Jakob
>>>>>>>> 2018-03-07 12:03 GMT+01:00 sravan kumar chaganti <
>>>>>>>> sravan.chaga...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Team,
>>>>>>>>> I exported some patch of OpenStreetMap data as .osm file and
>>>>>>>>> converted that file into OPENDRIVE (.xodr) and SUMO(.net.xml) formats 
>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>> netconvert command.
>>>>>>>>> But unfortunately the inertial boundaries on the opendrive file is
>>>>>>>>> big compared to real dimentions of that area while comparing the both 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> boundaries.
>>>>>>>>> why does the area is scaling up? will you please answer my
>>>>>>>>> question?
>>>>>>>>> what does i do if the real geographic boundaries and opendrive
>>>>>>>>> boundaries has to match?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> sk
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