I have a 1-inch thick 6061 machined aluminum tooling plate mounted in a polar plane in a local desert at 4500 feet elevation where the UV exposure is extreme. This plate was hard black anodized and Teflon impregnated when fabricated 23 years ago. Today, it is still shiny and a slightly lighter dark gray than the original color.

No plastics and few paints survive this environment for long. I've successfully used a two-part epoxy paint by Imron; it dulls slightly after many years but is otherwise unaffected. Stainless steel holds up ok. Wood dries out and the surface etches between the grains but, if you don't mind the resulting roughness, lasts many years. Sun is a tough environmental factor; ask the Martians....


Has anyone tried hard anodizing? I used to use tefloned hard anodizing on 6061 for mechanical parts subject to sliding. It has a duller, grayer finish. I wonder how it does in the weather.

Best wishes,

Larry McDavid W6FUB
Anaheim, CA  (20 miles southeast of Los Angeles, near Disneyland)


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