On 26/02/2015 21:53, John Regan wrote:
Besides, the whole idea here is to make an image that follows best
practices, and best practices state we should be using a process
supervisor that cleans up orphaned processes and stuff. You should be
encouraging people to run their programs, interactively or not, under
a supervision tree like s6.

 The distinction between "process" and "service" is key here, and I
agree with John.

<long design rant>
 There's a lot of software out there that seems built on the assumption that
a program should do everything within a single executable, and that processes
that fail to address certain issues are incomplete and the program needs to
be patched.

 Under Unix, this assumption is incorrect. Unix is mostly defined by its
simple and efficient interprocess communication, so a Unix program is best
designed as a *set* of processes, with the right communication channels
between them, and the right control flow between those processes. Using
Unix primitives the right way allows you to accomplish a task with minimal
effort by delegating a lot to the operating system.

 This is how I design and write software: to take advantage of the design
of Unix as much as I can, to perform tasks with the lowest possible amount
of code.
 This requires isolating basic building blocks, and providing those building
blocks as binaries, with the right interface so users can glue them
together on the command line.

 Take the "syslogd" service. The "rsyslogd" way is to have one executable,
rsyslogd, that provides the syslogd functionality. The s6 way is to combine
several tools to implement syslogd; the functionality already exists, even
if it's not immediately apparent. This command line should do:

 pipeline s6-ipcserver-socketbinder /dev/log s6-envuidgid nobody s6-applyuidgid -Uz 
s6-ipcserverd ucspilogd "" s6-envuidgid syslog s6-applyuidgid -Uz s6-log 

 Yes, that's one unique command line. The syslogd implementation will take
the form of two long-running processes, one listening on /dev/log (the
syslogd socket) as user nobody, and spawning a short-lived ucspilogd process
for every connection to syslog; and the other writing the logs to the
/var/log/syslogd directory as user syslog and performing automatic rotation.
(You can configure how and where things are logged by writing a real s6-log
script at the end of the command line.)

 Of course, in the real world, you wouldn't write that. First, because s6
provides some shortcuts for common operations so the real command lines
would be a tad shorter, and second, because you'd want the long-running
processes to be supervised, so you'd use the supervision infrastructure
and write two short run scripts instead.

 (And so, to provide syslogd functionality to one client, you'd really have
1 s6-svscan process, 2 s6-supervise processes, 1 s6-ipcserverd process,
1 ucspilogd process and 1 s6-log process. Yes, 6 processes. This is not as
insane as it sounds. Processes are not a scarce resource on Unix; the
scarce resources are RAM and CPU. The s6 processes have been designed to
take *very* little of those, so the total amount of RAM and CPU they all
use is still smaller than the amount used by a single rsyslogd process.)

 There are good reasons to program this way. Mostly, it amounts to writing
as little code as possible. If you look at the source code for every single
command that appears on the insane command line above, you'll find that it's
pretty short, and short means maintainable - which is the most important
quality to have in a codebase, especially when there's just one guy
maintaining it.
 Using high-level languages also reduces the source code's size, but it
adds the interpreter's or run-time system's overhead, and a forest of
dependencies. What is then run on the machine is not lightweight by any
measure. (Plus, most of those languages are total crap.)

 Anyway, my point is that it often takes several processes to provide a
service, and that it's a good thing. This practice should be encouraged.
So, yes, running a service under a process supervisor is the right design,
and I'm happy that John, Gorka, Les and other people have figured it out.

 s6 itself provides the "process supervision" service not as a single
executable, but as a set of tools. s6-svscan doesn't do it all, and it's
by design. It's just another basic building block. Sure, it's a bit special
because it can run as process 1 and is the root of the supervision tree,
but that doesn't mean it's a turnkey program - the key lies in how it's
used together with other s6 and Unix tools.
 That's why starting s6-svscan directly as the entrypoint isn't such a
good idea. It's much more flexible to run a script as the entrypoint
that performs a few basic initialization steps then execs into s6-svscan.
Just like you'd do for a real init. :)
</long design rant>

Heck, most people don't *care* about this kind of thing because they
don't even know. So if you just make /init the ENTRYPOINT, 99% of
people will probably never even realize what's happening. If they can
run `docker run -ti imagename /bin/sh` and get a working, interactive
shell, and the container exits when they type "exit", then they're
good to go! Most won't even question what the image is up to, they'll
just continue on getting the benefits of s6 without even realizing it.

 Ideally, that's what would happen. We must ensure that the abstraction
holds steadily, though - there's nothing worse than a leaky abstraction.

The main thing I'm concerned about is about preserving proper shell
quoting, because sometimes args can be like --flag='some thing'.

 This is a solved problem.
 The entrypoint we're talking about is trivial to write in execline,
and I'll support Gorka, or anyone else, who does that. Since the
container will already have execline, using it for the entrypoint
costs nothing,  and it makes command line handling and transmission
utterly trivial: it's exactly what I wrote it for.


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