I would suggest it should be a graceful shutdown ( stopping all daemons,
syncing filesystems and stuff )

On 14.02.2020 13:46, Jeff wrote:
12.02.2020, 22:54, "Colin Booth" <co...@heliocat.net>:
I wasn't trying to be hostile, apologies if it came across that way. As
far as I know SIGPWR is a Linux-specific signal so services that are
aiming for portability will either need to have special handling for
that in the linux case or need to ignore it. Ergo, runit (and all other
POSIX-compliant inits) currently have no special handling around SIGPWR
as they don't understand what it is.
what should SIGPWR mean to a Linux init ?
i would suggest: halt and power down the system ASAP.

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