In <>,
Hartmut Figge <> wrote:

> Mark Hansen:
> >On 12/18/08 14:47, wrote:
> >> "D:\Program Files\BROWSERS\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe" -profilemanager
> >> "D:\Program Files\BROWSERS\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe" -P
> >
> >Are you sure your path toe "seamonkey.exe" is correct?
> That would also be my guess.
> >If so, try using -ProfileManager rather than -profilemanager.
> Mhm, he is using Win and not Linux. Does capitalization there really
> count? ;)

It doesn't matter in Windows.  In Linux, -profilemanager either doesn't
work or does the same thing as -ProfileManager, depending on how the
distro handles launching, but -P and -p are different switches for
entirely different things.  In any case, it's better to give the
documented switches when trying to handle support.

     Kleeneness is next to Gödelness.

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