Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:
Bill Spikowski wrote:
My "Inbox.msf" file is about 3KB but my "Inbox" file is over 1 GB.
I keep NO messages in the inbox; whatever comes in gets filtered to other folders.

What's in the 1GB file?
I have a similar situation with the "Drafts" file -- over 1 GB, but there's nothing in it....

the *.msf files are just index files. They tell the program which way messages are sorted, which ones are flagged, labelled, etc.

The files which the extension such as inbox, drafts, etc, are the ones that contain your messages. You can open those files using any text editor. But if its that large, then it might take a long time opening.

I forgot to add: when you delete messages, the message is deleted from the folder, but it still remains in the file. This is incase you want the messages back, there is a way to retrieve them. However, once in a while, you need to clean up your files, and get rid of those left over messages, and the way to do that is to compact your folders [under File].

*IMPORTANT*: Sorry folks, but I cannot provide email help!!!! Emails to me may become public

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