Mark Hansen wrote:
I realize this sounds strange, but I'm really just wondering
if anyone else is seeing it.

I'm running SeaMonkey 1.1.16 on both Linux (CentOS 5.2) and Windows
(XP SP3) and on both, since upgrading SeaMonkey to 1.1.16 (from
1.1.13) a few times per day, a single click on something is seen
as a double click.

For example, I run the Mail and Newsgroup client in the three frame
view, where it shows the tree view on the left, the list of messages
across the top and the message preview pane along the bottom.

At times, when I click on a message in the list view, not only is
the message selected, but it is opened in a new window - just as
though I had double-clicked on it.

Also, at times when I click on, say, a news group in the tree view,
a new Mail and Newsgroup application window is opened, as though I
had double clicked on it.

I've since been very, very careful to be sure that I'm not double-
clicking, but still it happens a few times a day on both platforms.

It's not the double-click speed of the mouse, as that says how long
of a delay between single clicks is allowed for the set of clicks
to be interpreted as a double-click. In my case, I'm only clicking
the mouse once.

Anyone else seeing this?


are you using the same box for both windows and linux? If so, then get a new mouse. If not, then what have you got running in the background of both computers? I had that once and it turned out to be a hidden windows program running in the background. I disabled it and things went back to normal.

*IMPORTANT*: Sorry folks, but I cannot provide email help!!!! Emails to me may become public

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