On 05/02/09 18:50, Michael Gordon wrote:
> Daniel replied On 5/2/2009 7:07 PM
>> DoctorBill wrote:
>>> What is the difference between whatever.com vs whatever.com/ when you 
>>> type them into the Location bar?
>>> Is one faster than the other or difference in where it goes...?
>>> Just curious.
>>> DoctorBill
>> DoctorBill, part of your answer may be that when you put whatever.com 
>> into your location bar, SeaMonkey actually goes looking for a file 
>> called index.html (which is the file, as I understand it, that sets out 
>> the layout of the page) at whatever.com, whereas if you entered 
>> whatever.com/, it would go looking for an index.html at a sub-level of 
>> the main site.
>> How about comparing it to putting a letter in the mail box of a 
>> building/street address (1596 First St), compared to putting it in the 
>> mail box of a company on a floor of the building (10th Fl, 1596 First St).
>> Something like that.
>> Daniel
> Daniel,
> This is a real good explanation of the question about the different 
> formats for the URL.
> In either case SeaMonkey and other web browsers will look for the 
> default home page file which can have the following extensions: index 
> .htm, .html, .shtml.

Are you sure SeaMonkey will decide that? I'm pretty sure that decision
is made by the web server.

> In the case without the "/" and on an Apache web server if the 
> configuration file contains an instruction to not index the directory, 
> if the index.html file is not found the server will return either a 
> Forbidden error, or Page Not Found.
> In the case with the "/" the web browser will drill down the list of 
> directories until it finds an index file, if none is found return a Page 
> Not Found error.

Oh boy...

> How about comparing it to putting a letter in the mail box of a
> building/street address (Mr John Adams,1596 First St), compared to 
> putting it in the
> mail box of a company on a floor of the building (Mr John Adams,10th Fl, 
> Suite 101, 1596 First St).
> Michael
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