cciaffone wrote:
Yup, also lost my newsgroups as well as the url history list.

Not what you would call a glorious upgrade. Lost way
more than I gained. I have reverted to 1.1.18.

Fortunately the developers have not figured out how
to destroy the older files ... or they would have.

I guess with your negative experience, you are entitled to be cynical.

I would suggest that the old files are left as a fail safe, and perhaps we should thank the developers for that. The migration wizard in the 2.0 pre nightlies, though the Alphas, was having problems with my admittedly unusual profile setup. The Betas started handling it well, and breezed though my wife's decidedly normal profile.

Still, it is new software, it is a volunteer effort, and no matter how well it is tested, glitches are going to occur. Isn't it fortunate that we are provided with a ready made backup, in the old installation and profiles.

You will be able to restore your newsgroups with ease. Ask if you need any guidance. URL history, is that a really major thing in your usage?

By the way, I will note two things. For Mac users, installing SM 2.0 *does* overwrite 1.1.x, unlike Windows.

Also, while I was writing this, my RSS feeds updated, and I was stuck looking at the Pinwheel of Death for 30 seconds while it did so. I guess 30 seconds isn't that long, but man it is a pain.

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