Rufus wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
First and in general - I like it. But...

...have observed the following in about a hour of using SM 2.0
under OS
10.6.1 on a 3.06 GHz MacBook Pro with 4 Gig RAM:

1) SeaMonkey asks for the Master Password at startup even though I
the Preference set to only ask at the first time it is needed - I'm
using SSL, nor do I have SeaMonkey set to display Mail and
Newsgroups at

I can't speak to the Master Password, as I have never used it.

If you use the Password Manager, you need to set up a Master Password.
All of the information from my 1.1.18 Mozilla folder transferred
correctly, including my Master Password. It's just that SM seems to be
asking for it at random - this was also a problem for me with SM 1.1.18.

Well,I use the Password Manager quite frequently, and I have never set
up a Master Password. Password Manager works just fine without it.

...interesting...I've never used Password Manager without a Master
Password. Without a Master, I'd think anyone that opened your browser
could launch the Password Manager and read all of your passwords. Not a
very secure way to operate, IMO...

Well, it depends on your situation. From here there is no real chance of anyone other then me opening SeaMonkey on this computer. Therefore, a Master Password in unnecessary. If someone has broken into my house, well I guess security has gone to hell anyway. My user account is password protected, of course, so my data is as safe as its going to get.

2) Holding down the Option key at launch does not bring up the Profile

I am glad you mention this. Holding down the Option key while clicking
the Dock icon now seems to start SM in Safe Mode. You would not notice
this if you don't have third party themes or extensions installed. This
could be very handy indeed.

Profile manager would need to be invoked via Terminal.

So far I only have the basic 2.0 install operating - I think the only
add-on I have is a Google search one.

This method of invoking Safe mode will prove very handy in the future.
Maybe not, I sincerely hope that you will never have a problem that
requires it. :)

...I'll have to figure out what I'd do that for...never had to yet.

It is the first go to for troubleshooting. It disables all extensions and third party themes, and lets you know if a problem is caused by an addon, or if it is in the program or profile.

At present I only have one Profile, but I can invoke the Profile Manager
from the within the SM Menu Bar by selecting Switch Profile/Manage

Duh!!!! Of course, there would not be a need to invoke PM from the Dock.
Its getting to late, I'm not thinking straight, thanks for getting me on
the right path!

In the past I've found it very handy to launch PM at start up to add a
new Profile and proceed directly to it.

Safe Mode is not at all a means of determining a problem. Being able to create a new profile easily is an important step when problems occur.

3) Transfer of my previous SM 1.1.18 Profile information was
at launch of SM 2.0 - Bookmarks and Preference settings transferred
completely; Mail and Newsgroup server settings, Preferences, Folders,
saved mail, etc. transferred completely, but Newsgroup Subscriptions
were only displayed for one Server/Account - the last one in the
Accounts list. All files appeared in the proper locations in the new
Profile, but were only displayed for the last listed Server/Account.

This has been a problem for many users. The Import Profile Wizard,
it seems to work fine for most users, does not always complete its job.
However, this is a major change in the program. While you may have to
transfer your newsgroups accounts manually, once its done, its done,
should not be a problem for future 2.0.x upgrades. You might try
recreating the other accounts, point them to the existing files, and
if they are picked up.

I ended up re-subscribing to the groups on one server, and had to
actually delete and rebuild the account to be able to use this one and
get to the Mozilla groups. As you say, I should be done with that now.

4) Right click (cntrl+click) does not consistently bring up the
contextual menu for Task Bar options if I right click anywhere within
the Task Bar - I seem to have to right click below the address bar
within the Task Bar in order to bring up the contextual menu
consistently. This occurs when using the (new) default theme, and is
less annoying in the Mail and Newsgroup windows - probably because
is more area to click within (no address line). Clicks appear to be
ignored within the line where the window title appears, upon

Task Bar is a Windows term, so I don't know exactly what you mean. I am
sorry to nitpick on terms, but I have to understand exactly what you

Do you mean the Menu bar, which is detached from the application window
and appears at the top of the screen, or the Navigation Toolbar, which
is at the top of the application window, and contains the Location bar?
I suspect the latter.

Are you trying to get the Customize dialog? Right Click (Control Click)
anywhere on the Navigation Toolbar, as long as I don't click right on
the Location bar, I get the context menu to invoke it.


The "header bar" in the main SeaMonkey window(s) - not the OS X Menu
Bar. The option in the window's contextual menu actually calls it the
"Toolbar". I can't just "click anywhere" - I have to click below the URL
entry space in order to get the contextual menu to appear. As noted, the
area of the Toolbar containing the line for the window title appears to
be excluded - and this only happens with the new default theme.

I using a third party theme, Sailfish's Venerable Modern, so maybe
that's the discrepancy. On Win XP I have the default theme, and as long
as I don't right click on the Location Bar, the context menu comes up
with the Customize option.

I've flipped back and fourth between the two built in themes - there
seems to be some issues with the interface on the new one for OS X.

In Firefox, one can get the Customize dialog from the View Menu, but
that seems to be missing in SM 2.0 for now. Right now I am just so happy
we have this ap, I can easily wait for the final pieces to fall into


Yeah - it's a good start. Just need to pull the kinks out.

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