Phillip Jones wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Robert Kaiser wrote:

Phillip, be reasonable. Its the crash reporter that report the crash
and its cause to the developers. If *can't* cause the crash. If you see
it, the crash has already happened.

Disabling it only keeps you from sending the data to those who might be
able to fix it.

Why am I getting two crashes in as many days. I never ever had a Crash
in 1.1.7, and 1.1.8 and ad after I removed the crash reporter several
years ago Not once have I had a crash on the 1.1.x series in about 5
years. maybe longer.

I don't know Phillip, but I do know that it has nothing to do with Crash Reporter. Its not causing the crash, its the crash that initiates it.

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