
>One thing I have never been too clear about the newsgroup function on the 
>Mozilla suite / Seamonkey - if I have a newsgroup server collapsed in the news 
>folder pane, then the newsgroup server is NOT accessed UNTIL I either 
>the news server or open it and highlight one of the newsgroups hosted on the 
>server, is that correct?

Unfortunately not true for at least SM2.0 nightlies of the last months
and now SM2.1. It became obvious with the increase of the load during
the fetch of new postings. Btw, the time frame for this is

h...@e675 ~ $ fenster 0909240813-0909251108
2009-09-23 23:13:00 PDT
2009-09-25 02:08:00 PDT

as i had written in <>

At the moment the collapsed state of a newsserver is not honored when
new postings are automatically fetched or at the start of MailNews. All
what matters are the two checkboxes for 'Check for ...' under Server

Well, this is a horrible waste of bandwidth and useless also. If a
newsserver is collapased, why should he care about new postings?

I had lamented strongly about this issue in dcsm. *g*

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