
>Thanks again for your reply. Do you have any confirmation whether the
>collapsed news server state in SM 1.X resulted in the application
>from skipping of the news server fetch operation?

Too long ago for me. I am using self compiled nightlies for many years
and SM1, well, after deleting older builds my archive now begins with a
SM1.5a from 060201. ;)

>One thing that seems to be contradicting your assessment though, is 
>that I have one news server group set up whereby when it is accessed,
>it will prompt me for a password. However, when I have that newsgroup
>collapsed, the password is never prompted, so presumably this implies
>that news server is never accessed / checked. This would seem
>contradictory to your assessment that the news server is checked even
>if the news server group was collapsed. So I am not sure about this

That behavior is true for newsservers when 'Check for ...' under Server
Settings is not checked. I have to to so for some newsservers because
otherwise the collapsed state is nor respected. *grrr*

>I did not view the messages in the links to other German newsgroups 
>you mentioned earlier, because I had presumed they might be in German

So it is. I'm writing much in the german newsgroups of mozilla. But in, well, that's hard work for me.

>But if it is English I would be interested to check it out.

There is a translator in google. :-P

>I agree that it is a useless waste of bandwidth and also more
>importantly, a completely avoidable problem with regards to CPU load
>and application thread load.

With regard of not respecting the collapsed state it is a waste, but on
the other other hand there is now a very nice feature which may be
related to the load.

While reading a NG new postings now appear automatically. No need, to
trigger that. Very nice. :) Oh, i am using View->Threads->Threads with

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