MCBastos wrote:

Any HTML message created using an automated WYSIGYG tool, be it
Seamonkey Composer or Adobe Dreamweaver, *will* fail to render correctly
for a large share of recipients. The fancier you get, the more problems
will appear. If you aren't comfortable with hand-coding and researching
tricks all over the Web, I advise you to keep it very plain and simple.

That's true of web pages as well, perhaps more so, people add flash, javascript, and all manner of other things. Bold or italics to make meaning clear, links with the URL and display text separate for clarity.

JeffM's comment came off a bit harsh, but he does have a point: there's
no well-supported standard for HTML email. What *is* supported is
plaintext -- that will display everywhere, in the way you intended. But
I expect that's not what your customers want to hear.

As I noted before, HTML allows more control to the reader, so it is readable on everything from a cell phone to an HDTV sized monitor. Text will be too wide on one device, and too narrow on another. The simple lists seem totally portable, I mail a newsletter to hundreds of people, and get no complaints, I know they work on IE, Safari, iPhones, the Verizon "touch" phones, and Blackberries. And people can diddle the display width before printing the message, too.

I'm sure my response to JeffM was as harsh, but there are clear benefits to HTML in a multi-display world, as well as to having color when the display supports it.

Finally, unless you not only drop HTML but drop MIME as well, you will get HTML attachments. If size is an issue, limit size, but in general people are just using HTML, and your choices are to admit the 80's are over, or posting off-topic rants in response to valid technical questions. When someone says "how do I?" a response of "only stupid people would want to do that" is off topic in my book.

Bill Davidsen <>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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