>JeffM wrote:
>>People who still click links in email deserve what they get.
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>Not so fast. Not all links are bad,
>and there are good practices that help you avoid that.
...like not clicking on the links.
If you are going to follow a link in email,
cut it and paste it into your browser.
With URLs now allowed to use e.g. Cyrillic,
things are *not always* what they appear
--even when you hover over links and they look legit,
these days, maybe not.

>For example, if a colleague at ABC Corp,
>whom you already know and trust,
...and whose address book got hijacked yesterday.

>A similar argument can be made for attachments.
The big problem with attachments is that in order to encode them
(so they can be sent via a medium meant for plain text)
they take more bandwidth and storage space than they would
if you used an APPROPRIATE protocol to offer those.
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