NoOp wrote:
On 04/09/2010 07:22 PM, JD wrote:
NoOp wrote:
But those are not "valid/working registered domain names either"  8-)

I really thought "changed-webpage-name" was pretty clever. I'll go back
to lurking now.

Perhaps in the future you might just give the actual url. That way you
won't wast folks time.

While we are on certs; this might be of interest to others:

If I had wanted to give the actual URL I would have but I didn't want to
do that. I thought certs was a breath mint, or is it a candy?

OK smartass. Here's the reponse to your initial question:

F1 - search cert. Enjoy.

Let me see. I ask about a web page with an expired security certificate and you reply that the munged address is not valid (duh) and offer three links talking about certs?

And all three point to some problem with a root certificate authority that doesn’t seem to have a known owner?

And I did reply that the web page in question was aware of the problem and I can now confirm that the problem has been fixed.

And you claim I'm wasting people's time?

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