Mark Hansen wrote:
On 4/8/2010 4:18 PM, Phillip Jones wrote:
My ISP is stickler for not been labeled as friendly to spam. Do I get
spam. I have one mailbox that I use strictly to catch spam. and even on
my good address I still get about 20 pieces of Spam a day. once every
week on both account I go into web mail and throw out about 50 on my
good account and about 300 pieces in my throw away account.

Your ISP not allowing you to send spam is in no way related to the amount
of spam you receive (except that it may reduce spam you might have
received from other members of your ISP).

I wish there was a signal you could push that would send a signal to the
originating server that would literally either wipe the drive out so it
would not even be able to be reformatted. or would blow the equipment
completely up.

That's simply ridiculous.

I didn't say it was possible or even practical. I'd just like to see some severe consequences for people considering creating spam or even gathering list to feed to spammer. Its bad enough I have to put up with legitimate advertising. But when I get junk I don't want under any circumstances it make you want to punch their lights out.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 
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