Daniel wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 1/3/11 2:06 PM, Ray_Net wrote:
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:

.. Of course, that will hide the fact that SeaMonkey is in use and
lead Web developers to ignore SeaMonkey.

That's also a reason I frequently dispute folks when they say "just
it to mask as IE and fuggetaboutit." :-/

If the code in seamonkey *is* the code of firefox, it's normal
that he
*must* spoof as firefox.

The code in SeaMonkey is NOT the code of Firefox.

Why SM 2.1.x spoof itself by default firefox then ?

...it doesn't...on any of my installs. It's "Gecko...Seamonkey" by

Did you do something once long ago and not undo it?

No, i am not under 2.1, i am still in 2.0 but in:

WLS wrote:
This is the UA in SM 2.1b2pre for my Linux install. It already lists
Firefox so you don't need to add it,

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:2.0b8pre) Gecko/20101101
Firefox/4.0b8pre SeaMonkey/2.1b2pre.

That is not, strictly, "spoofing" the UA. It is a new UA that includes a
mention of Firefox that, hopefully, will satisfy ignorant Web site devs'
UA sniffing techniques and pass SeaMonkey as Firefox while still
maintaining the integrity of the SeaMonkey UA. See? The UA includes both
Firefox and SeaMonkey?

When I get a chance I'll check my server logs to see if it's working ...
but, it makes sense as a "least-destructive" solution to me at this

Sorry, Ed are you suggesting that any web sites visited that worry about
"sniffing" will just be interested in the "SeaMonkey/2.1b2pre" and not
pay any attention to the "Firefox/4.0b8pre" let alone the more general
purpose "Gecko/20101101"??


Actually, the opposite. Most UA sniffing is NOT looking for SeaMonkey: It's looking for Firefox or IE. So, what I'm saying is that incorporating the mention of Firefox in the standard UA for SM the sniffer should be satisfied.

Of course, if they designed a standards-compatible site in the first place they wouldn't have to test for a UA at all! :-)

Ed Mullen
"One of the great tragedies of life is the murder of a beautiful theory by a gang of brutal facts." - Benjamin Franklin
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