Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
On 4/20/2011 8:28 PM, Rufus wrote:
...and I guess that's my real question - even though it's no longer UB,
it's still 32/64 bit bilingual?

Well "Universal Binary" does not in fact mean exclusively |PPC+Intel| it
means |Mixed architetchure binary| which this is, just in this case a

In Apple parlance it means Intel+PPC exclusively, at this time. That may change down the road.

And I assume with the launch mode
selection in the Info pane?

This I (we) don't have a clue about, download 2.1b3 and try for yourself
please. and PLEASE let us know if it does.

...which was my point in my reply here.

Yes, it does...and I didn't even have to install it to find that out - just do a "Get Info" on the open Disk Image. But I would think that any of the Mac developers would have known that.

     - Rufus
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