PhillipJones wrote:
Sailfish wrote:
My bloviated meandering follows what Ant graced us with on 8/31/2011
9:31 PM:
.... Can I do a separate installation of SM2, or does it have to be
over v2.0.14? Thank you in advance. :)

You can have separation installation folders for SeaMonkey and it works
just fine. I cannot say the same will be true for any extensions/themes
you have in v2.0.14, though.

For Macintosh User out there interested in doing this.
You can't use Sailfish method.

when you want to try out a different version and keep your old version
you can either archive the old version then download and install.

Or you can download the .dmg file (diskimage), open and Drag contents to
the desktop. which decompress the the file. Next click on the Name so
that the name box become active. click at end of name but before the
.app extension and type 2.3.1 or what every the version is. now click
some where else on desk to to get out of editing mode.

I left out a step once renamed drag renamed application from desktop to applications directory.

Now open your current version not the new one. Go to tools switch
profile. and create a new profile. Quit.
now open new version and it will ask for which profile to use. Choose
that profile and your ready to use.

Quit new one

Drag a copy (option while dragging) all the bookmarks items from
original profile to new profile.

to get to profiles Go to ~/library/Application Support/SeaMonkey/
Profile the original will have a random set of code numbers/characters
(this is called salting). The new will have this as well but should also
have the name you gave it. Copy Bookmarks from original to the profile.

If you want to make it easy to get your profiles Drag each Profile
folder to the Sidebar this put an alias of each on the sidebar. and you
can just click on that to enter into the profile. X.6.8 and below.
X.7 you have to got to main menu from find and hold option key down
which clicking on go menu to get to User Directory
~ indicate user directory and is short name you gave computer when you
installed or set up system first time you installed system or opened
computer when new.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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