On 9/1/2011 12:36 PM PT, Justin Wood (Callek) typed:

... Can I do a separate installation of SM2, or does it have to be over
v2.0.14? Thank you in advance. :)

Separate install is fine, you *cannot* reuse the same profile between
both versions without corruption though. 2.0.14->later should work just
fine (there have been some minor reports relating to bookmarks, but are
easily fixable) its the other direction that does not work.

Oh wow. :(

Yea, the corruption is acceptible for some users, but its not to me,
which is why I make sure to call it out when someone mentions going back
and forth in any way. It does auto-recover, *but* gets you data loss in
the end.

So My recommendation (if you have ANY intent/chance you'll revert):
* Backup your _profile_ folder
* Use help->Check for updates... download/install any update offers,
* You should now be on 2.3.2 (reports as 2.3.1 for now) with your
working profile.

Updater tells me v2.2. Is it not out yet or do I need to wait again?

2.3.2 is out already, but the update from 2.0.14 only goes to 2.2 at
this moment, I had planned to get you updates to 2.3.1 already, but with
the chemspills this week (2.3.2/3) I'm holding back for now.

As KaiRo said, once you update to 2.2, its just another update to go to

Ah, so should I just get v2.3.2's full installer and skip 2.2 instead of wasting time to download and upgrading multiple times?
"It is certain that there may be extraordinary mental activity with an extremely small absolute mass of nervous matter: thus the wonderfully diversified instincts, mental powers, and affections of ants are notorious, yet their cerebral ganglia are not so large as the quarter of a small pin's head. Under this point of view, the brain of an ant is one of the most marvelous atoms of matter in the world, perhaps more so than the brain of a man." --Charles Darwin (from The Origin of Species, 1859)
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