David E. Ross wrote:
On 2/7/12 4:11 PM, chicagofan wrote [in part]:

Also, I can no longer run speed tests at dslreports.com, because
Java or java applets(?) are missing with 2.7.
What can I do about this?

Windows XP SP3
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:10.0) Gecko/20120129 SeaMonkey/2.7

dslreports.com has the same IP address ( as
broadbandreports.com.  However, a DNS lookup did not indicate either is
an alias for the other.

They didn't bother to change everything when it became Broadband Reports. Don't know why.

I just now used broadbandreports.com to test via Flash through servers
in Toronto, Los Angeles, and Washington (DC) and via Java through
servers in Palo Alto and Parsippany.

That's what I could do on my 6 yr. old laptop easily. ;) I may be sticking with it longer than I expected, because of other problems. :)
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