Bzzz wrote:
On Tue, 14 Feb 2012 15:44:43 -0500
Chris Ilias<>  wrote:

I don't know what you mean by "became bloat". If you're having problems

Yes, I didn't used the right expression.
For example, to answer your post I selected the SM window where such
a site is opened (,
it took almost 6 seconds to switch from claws-mail to this window
and the site goes up to 100% CPU (Athlon-XP1600+) for 6 more seconds.

Seamonkey 2.7.1; Win/7 32-bit running as a VM inside Win/7 64-bit, with
Server 2003 running as another VM at the same time.  Seven seconds (or
thereabouts) to complete the display, CPU never more than 60%, and
typically no more than 5% to 10%.  Intel i7 2.6GHz, 3440Mb allocated
to each VM.

Personally speaking, performance is not an issue for me; I didn't
choose Seamonkey because it was the fastest kid on the block,
I chose it because it offered what I looked for in terms of
browser and IMAP integration, and in look and feel.  It still
offers what I want in terms of browser and IMAP integration,
but the look and feel is nowhere near as attractive as it
once was.  I /really/ don't need a new tool bar to pop-up
just because I press Ctrl-F, nor do I want it to start searching
until I tell it to.  And tabs are the spawn of the devil.

Philip Taylor
support-seamonkey mailing list

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