Bzzz wrote:
On Tue, 14 Feb 2012 21:04:57 -0800
NoOp<>  wrote:

In a comparison of Opera&  SM 2.7.1 in opening
<>  the result are the same:
13 seconds (from a low speed California US connection).

I wasn't talking about opening, just switching from claws-mail window
to SM window that contains this site.

So you have Claw mail open and SeaMonkey open at some site......and you're wonder why it takes SeaMonkey so long to come up on your display??

Seems to me problems changing display from one application to another (open) application would be an OS problem!!


so no idea what your actual SeaMonkey build is.


That's an issue that you need to sort out with your disto.

No, that the same mess as the last firefox update: all of a sudden
everything's going sluggish - very oddly linked to the most important
addons (well, for me): noscript&  adblock.

This is why I strongly suspect a manipulation to push people to
jettison these addons.

I didn't test SM without these addons to see if the behavior's the
same as FF, but I would bet your head on that.

All this story reminds me exactly the gnome3 phenomena: they changed
all! shortcuts, display, windows places, etc and they don't take any
criticism (even the constructive ones) in account.

And this is relevant here why?

Because unilateral changes only for the sake of change makes me sick.

Anyway, this is now a closed issue as I switched to Opera.

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