On 01/22/2013 01:29 PM, Rob wrote:
Connie <connie.spar...@gmail.com> wrote:

Last Saturday, SeaMonkey was working fine, as it should.  My PC booted
up as normal on Sunday morning.  I clicked on the email option got a
message saying I had to set up an email account in order to use it.

I tried the browser.  Instead of opening to a blank page, it opened on
the SeaMonkey home page.  The sidebar was open with a message to add
bookmarks to start using it.

I've lost a lot of valuable work as a result.

What concerns me is why it happened.  If it's happened once, it could
happen again.  It's making me concerned about using SeaMonkey any more.

I've tried installing a different version of SeaMonkey but it isn't
associating with the other version's profile and I can't see any way
of doing it.

Connie in London

Unfortunately it looks like some people have been hit by this problem
the past week.  I suggest you look in other threads to see what you
can do.  I don't think your work has been lost, it is just not
accessible at the moment.

It is difficult to make recommendations without knowing what operating
system you use, how proficient you are with the system, etc.

When you know what you are doing, look in the Application Data\Mozilla
folder of your user profile and describe what you see there.

How can you make that recommendation when you don't know what operating system Connie is using? :)

BTW her UA is showing, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:7.0) Gecko/20110923 Firefox/7.0 SeaMonkey/2.4, but she doesn't tell us with what SeaMonkey version she has the problem.

Is this the different version, or the problem version.

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