LnrB wrote:
M Gordon wrote:
LnrB wrote:
I'm new to this group because I've just now loaded a brand new Sea
Monkey and it's not doing what I need/want/expect it to do. Part of that
is doubtless because I'm coming from my beloved v1.09, ca 2007.

I did *Finally* find where to load the Modern theme, which is not where
I'm accustomed to finding it, but I did find it.

I'm setting up my list of newsgroups, one of which I need to have the
home page redirect me to a moderators' page. However, I'm getting a
notice on the top of the tab that SeaMonkey has prevented redirection to
another page.

I'm sure this is another "security" measure, but I need to know how to
circumvent it.

Thank you,

Try this and see if it works the way you need.

Edit | Preferences | Appearance -> Content => Warn me when web sites try
to redirect or reload the page

Per domain? Very good question. And it would be nice to have.
Theoretically one would think it would be there. Theoretically
hostperm.1 would have handled it (in older Mozilla's). Don't know if the
guts are still in place & even if so how you would now enter such data
(as it would go into a .sqlite file & there is no UI for it). You would
think Data Manager would offer access (again assuming the back-end parts
are there), but it does not.


Michael G

Thank you, Michael, it's good to see you.

I found that pref and Unchecked it, thank you.  I looked for something
like that before, but being unfamiliar with this version I didn't see it.

There are several other things I would like to do also.  Like lose the
Really *Stupid* throbber and replace it with my favorite square one like
I had in v1.09.  But I don't even see a user.chrome folder here.....

There's still userChrome-example.css in the chrome folder, which you can rename userChrome.css . I have my throbber modified there.

I should note that I have recently tried a whole bunch of other mods that have /not/ worked....however this:

list-style-image : url("different-1.gif") !important;

list-style-image : url("different-2.gif") !important;

still works, with those two GIF in the chrome folder also.
SM2.17, OSX

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