On 8/29/13 7:05 AM +0900, Erness Wild wrote:
Trane Francks wrote:
On 8/28/13 5:03 PM +0900, Philip Taylor wrote:

Erness Wild wrote:

I don't think it's seamonkey causing the increased cpu usage.
if I launch seamonkey without an internet connection then this
doesn't happen. Seems to be the wifi doing it even when I have
no software open and the computer not running anything. If I
disconnect from the internet then the computer cools down and the
cpu fan shuts off.

Without wishing to worry you unnecessarily, I would be inclined to
install some IP-monitoring functionality and find out which process
is causing this high network traffic and to which IP address(es).
It /could/ be something malign of which you are currently (and
blissfully) unaware.

Philip Taylor

+1 on this. High CPU load in the presence of a network connection that
is independent of application usage is often indicative of malware.
Probably a good idea to do a thorough scan with Malwarebytes, McAfee
Stinger and Sophos's rootkit checker.

I tried to launch Stinger when not connected to the internet. It won't
work. I'm not to keen on running such things when they can send and
receive stuff over the www. Sophos worked on it's own without help from
"the mothership". McAfee Stinger doesn't.

That's not been my experience of using it to clean numerous client malware infections. It would be disappointing were McAfee to have recently changed the program's behaviour. Best practice in cleaning infected machines is to take them off of the network.

// Trane Francks    tr...@gol.com    Tokyo, Japan
// Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
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