Interviewed by CNN on 16/10/2013 15:55, Paul B. Gallagher told the world:

> Do they even make bad ones? In 30 years working with computers, I've 
> never had one. But I guess if the OP had one, they must exist.

Yes. I have seen el cheapo generic mice with buttons failing after a
couple months of use; scroll whells that seize up, or scroll
erractically; optical sensors that are so bad that you have to dig up
your entire collection of old mouse pads before you find a surface they
will deign to track. And that's just for _corded_ mice. Don't get me
started on battery life and signal reception on generic cordless mice...

Cheap keyboards can be even worse, if it can be believed. cheap switches
will begin failing (or getting stuck) seemingly the day after the (very
limited, if any) warranty runs out.

And the ergonomic of those things are uniformly horrible. I mean, five
bucks (the difference in price between a generic crappy mouse and a
entry-leve one from a reliable brand, down here) is a very low price to
pay for comfort and accuracy. And the big-brand ones usually last two or
three times as long as the cheapos, so you spend less on the long run.

The basic rule of thumb is to buy Microsoft, Logitech or -- if you have
more special needs, like if you are gamer -- one of a handful of
expensive, boutique brands.

But there are some lesser-known good options. I myself have a soft spot
for Genius (KYE) hardware -- they are a bit cheaper than MS/Logitech,
but are still well-made. My current Ergo T555 laser mouse has served me
well for some years now, and the price was quite reasonable for a
six-button mouse (and yes, I DO have uses for all those buttons). My
current keyboard was expensive but not a big name-brand; the reason
being that it's a clone of the very comfortable original Microsoft
Natural Keyboard (the original never was available in Brazilian
Portuguese layout) made by a company who specializes in point-of-sale
hardware. Meaning, this baby is STURDY. It's some seven or years old and
still going strong.


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