Paul B. Gallagher <> wrote:
> Rob wrote:
>> jim <> wrote:
>>> Seamonkey 2.9.1
>>> that the email composition font is liable to change from your setting for
>>> html messages to variable font mixed (i think that is what it is) is not
>>> longer something i beat myself up for as something "i am doing" since i
>>> find out it happens to other people (and even with thunderbird).  I found
>>> it several years ago and changed it form a serif (times roman or courier
>>> or similar) to match my primary arial composition font and size as close
>>> as possible and can not 'refind" it since i have made a recent change in
>>> my html font from "large" to extra large".
>>> cutting to the chase: does anyone know where the setting for the secondary
>>> default font for email composition in Seamonkey is?
>>> jim
>> Please note that once you change the font setting for mail composition,
>> things become extremely buggy.  You will not be able to predict what
>> happens when you backspace, cut-and-paste, reply to part of a message,
>> etc.  It worked okay in the past but it has been broken and apparently
>> it is not going to be fixed.
>> It may work sort of reasonable in the extremely old version that you use.
> Strange you should say that; I've customized my font settings pretty 
> extensively and not had any trouble as a result. I certainly haven't 
> seen spaces vanish or characters move around without permission.

Yet there are several open bugs about this, and they all get blamed on
the evil composer that nobody wants to touch.
Users in our company get extremely irritated about it.  Fortunately
there is only 2.5 month to go to the Outlook switchover.
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