On Tue, 21 Jan 2014 22:02:52 -0500, jim <j...@earthlink.com> in
mozilla.support.seamonkey wrote:

>On Mon, 20 Jan 2014 21:51:15 -0500, Ed Mullen
><ejobviouslyrem...@edmullen.net> in mozilla.support.seamonkey wrote:
>>EE wrote:
>>> Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>>>> Rob wrote:
>>>>> jim <j...@earthlink.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Seamonkey 2.9.1
>>>>>> that the email composition font is liable to change from your setting
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> html messages to variable font mixed (i think that is what it is) is
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> longer something i beat myself up for as something "i am doing" since i
>>>>>> find out it happens to other people (and even with thunderbird).  I
>>>>>> found
>>>>>> it several years ago and changed it form a serif (times roman or
>>>>>> courier
>>>>>> or similar) to match my primary arial composition font and size as
>>>>>> close
>>>>>> as possible and can not 'refind" it since i have made a recent
>>>>>> change in
>>>>>> my html font from "large" to extra large".
>>>>>> cutting to the chase: does anyone know where the setting for the
>>>>>> secondary
>>>>>> default font for email composition in Seamonkey is?
>>>>>> jim
>>>>> Please note that once you change the font setting for mail composition,
>>>>> things become extremely buggy.  You will not be able to predict what
>>>>> happens when you backspace, cut-and-paste, reply to part of a message,
>>>>> etc.  It worked okay in the past but it has been broken and apparently
>>>>> it is not going to be fixed.
>>>>> It may work sort of reasonable in the extremely old version that you
>>>>> use.
>>>> Strange you should say that; I've customized my font settings pretty
>>>> extensively and not had any trouble as a result. I certainly haven't
>>>> seen spaces vanish or characters move around without permission.
>>>> Like Ed, I don't know what a "secondary font" could be.
>>> Probably it is the font used by the sender of the message rather than
>>> the one you choose to display messages.
>>Well, until the OP chimes in we'll never know.
>possibly "secondary default font" was a poor description.  I will quietly
>drop the subject, i've only been using Netscape and then Son of Netscape
>for twenty years..... 
 (for years seamonkey carried system files from one version to another
that still had the header "This Is a netscape file, do not edit" -- which,
of course, only meant to close the app before editing that file)
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