Arnie Goetchius wrote:
azed13 wrote:
Arnie Goetchius wrote:
azed13 wrote:
Daniel wrote:
On 23/02/14 17:17, azed13 wrote:
Daniel wrote:
On 22/02/14 11:29, azed13 wrote:
Arnie Goetchius wrote:
Arnie Goetchius wrote:
azed13 wrote:
azed13 wrote:
Arnie Goetchius wrote:
azed13 wrote:
Arnie Goetchius wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
Paul wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?

I had already done as instructed with no results and then
realized I
not getting the option to select "news group" for the new
click on account goes directly to the mail wizard. I fired up my
which also has the latest version of Seamonkey and lo and behold,
clicking on "new" "account" does indeed give me the choice and I
able to make my connection to

Now, the question is why my main computer does not give me the
I even reinstalled Seamonkey and the problem is not solved. Is
something in "about:config" that is not correct?

Thanks in advance for any help provided.


Just to be sure we are on the same page for your desktop:

Click Window, Mail & Newsgroups, Edit, Mail & Newsgroups Account
Settings..., Add Account

You should now see the screen "New Account Setup". On that screen
third item is used to set up a "Newsgroup Account". Do you get
on your desktop?
account (4th selection on mine!)
Whoops!! You only see that New Account Setup for a new profile.
Let me
sleep on this.

Happy to wait for a solution that works.

How about if you select *Edit* ->Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings
select "Add Account" on the left panel. Do you get the chance to
add a
Newsgroup account (4th selection for me) there??

Nope as stated before, on this computer Win 7 Pro. latest Seamonkey, I
do not get that option no matter what method is used to open a new
account. I only get the mail setup wizard and entering anything in
dialogue box wipes out my current Mozilla group. So I repeat my
question, "is there a "about:config" entry that is screwed up? I
have no
problem setting up on my laptop or my other desktop. All with Win 7
and latest Seamonkey.

In short, *YES*!!

Setting up a new account should not wipe out an existing account,
and by
using the method I mentioned above I can, and Arnie can, set up new
Newsgroup Account, so you've (or your computer) have done something

You sure you are trying the *Edit* dropdown, now, rather than the
"Window" dropdown that was mentioned above??

Absolutely, positively, Yes.
It looks like this may be a bug as reported here:

Thanks Arnie:

At least I know I'm not crazy. This appears to be a very selective bug
that has been around since 2009. Funny that it is random and does not
affect every installation of Seamonkey. Nothing worse than an
intermittent bug in any system. I will have to access "News" on
one of my other computers for now. A bit annoying but it will have to do.


There is a workaround mentioned in the Bug that states:

Workarounds: Set mail.server.serverX.valid to true or delete invalid
news account.

I am not sure I'm ready to tackle that on the one computer of mine where
there is a problem. Maybe someday .......


In my case it was "mail.server.server5.valid=". I reset to true and it does work. I was then able to setup with "" with no problems. Thanks for the help.

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