azed13 wrote:
> Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>> azed13 wrote:
>>> Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>>>> azed13 wrote:
>>>>> Daniel wrote:
>>>>>> On 23/02/14 17:17, azed13 wrote:
>>>>>>> Daniel wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 22/02/14 11:29, azed13 wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> azed13 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> azed13 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> azed13 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DoctorBill wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Paul wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DoctorBill wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DoctorBill wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DoctorBill wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I had already done as instructed with no results and then
>>>>>>>>>>>> realized I
>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>> not getting the option to select "news group" for the new
>>>>>>>>>>>> account.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>> click on account goes directly to the mail wizard. I fired
>>>>>>>>>>>> up my
>>>>>>>>>>>> lap
>>>>>>>>>>>> top
>>>>>>>>>>>> which also has the latest version of Seamonkey and lo and
>>>>>>>>>>>> behold,
>>>>>>>>>>>> clicking on "new" "account" does indeed give me the choice
>>>>>>>>>>>> and I
>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>> able to make my connection to
>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, the question is why my main computer does not give me the
>>>>>>>>>>>> choice?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I even reinstalled Seamonkey and the problem is not solved. Is
>>>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>>>> something in "about:config" that is not correct?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for any help provided.
>>>>>>>>>>>> azed13
>>>>>>>>>>> Just to be sure we are on the same page for your desktop:
>>>>>>>>>>> Click Window, Mail & Newsgroups, Edit, Mail & Newsgroups Account
>>>>>>>>>>> Settings..., Add Account
>>>>>>>>>>> You should now see the screen "New Account Setup". On that
>>>>>>>>>>> screen
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> third item is used to set up a "Newsgroup Account". Do you get
>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>> far
>>>>>>>>>>> on your desktop?
>>>>>>>>>>> account (4th selection on mine!)
>>>>>>>>>> Whoops!! You only see that New Account Setup for a new profile.
>>>>>>>>>> Let me
>>>>>>>>>> sleep on this.
>>>>>>>>> Happy to wait for a solution that works.
>>>>>>>> How about if you select *Edit* ->Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> select "Add Account" on the left panel. Do you get the chance to
>>>>>>>> add a
>>>>>>>> Newsgroup account (4th selection for me) there??
>>>>>>> Nope as stated before, on this computer Win 7 Pro. latest
>>>>>>> Seamonkey, I
>>>>>>> do not get that option no matter what method is used to open a new
>>>>>>> account. I only get the mail setup wizard and entering anything in
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> dialogue box wipes out my current Mozilla group. So I repeat my
>>>>>>> question, "is there a "about:config" entry that is screwed up? I
>>>>>>> have no
>>>>>>> problem setting up on my laptop or my other desktop. All with Win 7
>>>>>>> Pro.
>>>>>>> and latest Seamonkey.
>>>>>> In short, *YES*!!
>>>>>> Setting up a new account should not wipe out an existing account,
>>>>>> and by
>>>>>> using the method I mentioned above I can, and Arnie can, set up new
>>>>>> Newsgroup Account, so you've (or your computer) have done something
>>>>>> wrong!!
>>>>>> You sure you are trying the *Edit* dropdown, now, rather than the
>>>>>> "Window" dropdown that was mentioned above??
>>>>> Absolutely, positively, Yes.
>>>> It looks like this may be a bug as reported here:
>>> Thanks Arnie:
>>> At least I know I'm not crazy. This appears to be a very selective bug
>>> that has been around since 2009. Funny that it is random and does not
>>> affect every installation of Seamonkey. Nothing worse than an
>>> intermittent bug in any system. I will have to access "News" on
>>> one of my other computers for now. A bit annoying but it will have to
>>> do.
>>> azed13
>> There is a workaround mentioned in the Bug that states:
>> Workarounds: Set mail.server.serverX.valid to true or delete invalid
>> news account.
>> I am not sure I'm ready to tackle that on the one computer of mine where
>> there is a problem. Maybe someday .......
> Arnie:
> In my case it was "mail.server.server5.valid=". I reset to true and it
> does work. I was then able to setup with ""
> with no problems. Thanks for the help.
> azed13
Wow! Great news. I found exactly the same thing for .server5, and
changed to True and it now works for me also. Thanks for letting me know
about your success.
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