techie or support Geek.i
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Mort wrote:

A tech service transferred files from my old Win XP to my new Win 7 Pro.
In so doing, my personal profile in XP was corrupted. It will only start
and function in default profile. The store geek said that I do not need
my personal profile, and that the default one works fine. My cruising
the net suggests otherwise, but was not clear.

Your experience mimics that of a friend of mine who upgraded computers
from an old XP to Win7 a year or so ago. (He's 700 miles away.) I warned
him to be sure his "local geek" installed Thunderbird and Firefox and
copied the profiles to the new box, even gave him detailed instructions.
Nope, not even close. The guy copied over some Microsoft stuff and
pictures, but that was all. Gone forever.

Is it important that I get my personal profile corrected, or is it OK to
just work with a default profile?

If .. IF .. you still have the old hard drive and can access it, you can
copy the *contents* of your old profile into the main directory of the
new, virgin one. Otherwise, you will have to recreate all accounts and
things from scratch.

Read up on MozBackup.

Thanks very much for confirming what I suspected. At age 85 I am no longer as nimble as I used to be, so I will get some help regarding restoration or reconstruction of my own user's profile. My external hard drive backup is still intact, as far as I know.

It is a shame that anyone these days, even in a famous store, can call himself a tech support guy.

Mort Linder
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