WaltS48 wrote:

The profiles are stored in different places on XP and W7.  Hence, some
paths specified in user.js are different.  So, you can't just copy the
old profile to the new machine, you also have to edit prefs.js to
correct the paths.

I may not have been clear enough. The new machine is OK regarding profile. They screwed up my profile on the old XP machine, and left me with a default profile. That is why I will try to take Beauregard's advice with those "techs" and copy my profile from my external hard drive's backup to the XP machine.

It is so frustrating. It reminds me of a printed card that a nurse once showed to the service manager of an auto dealer, that said, "Doing business with you is like using a condom; it gives one the feeling of safety and security while getting screwed."

Thanks to all the guys who posted helpful advice.

Mort Linder
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