On 26/02/2016 5:46 AM, EE wrote:
Daniel wrote:
On 25/02/2016 10:37 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
EE wrote on 24/02/2016 22:35:

"Link Behaviour" is basically tabs versus windows.  A referrer is
information that a browser sends when following links or picking up
images to the site where the file is being requested, telling it where
the browser came from.  I use RefControl to block third party
referrers, since they are normally not needed, and I do not think one
website needs to know where I came from if I came from a different

On our Website, we fill our database with a lot of stupid entries ...
this was caused by spammers who copy a page of one of our form into
their host, modify it then use it a lot.
The "referer" was our solution to stop the fill of our database because
we test: If the referer is not from our site, then discard.
This is a case of one website NEEDS TO KNOW where you came from.

Ray, when you talk about are "referer", are you talking about an Add-On
to SM or is it a totally seperate function??

Like Alexandre, I cannot say I've ever heard of SM having a "referer"
function. If it does have such a function, where do I find it??

The "referer" is a field of information in the browser's request header,
and is sent when the browser picks up images or follows links.  I
described above what it is.

There is an extension called Live HTTP Headers which will show you the
headers that are exchanged between the browser and a web server.

O.K., so as I (and I expect a heck of a lot of others) don't have the Live HTTP Headers *ADD-ON* installed, I would have no idea what is going on. Alexandre makes no mention of it, but I guess it is possible Alexandre does have it installed but doesn't know/remember.

Perhaps if Alexandre were to look at the various screens at Tools->Add-ons Manager to see if it is installed. *HEY!! Look!!* I do have the "Live HTTP Headers" ADD-ON installed and enabled. Who would have known!?!?


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