I think many of us correspond by email across different timezones, and in Composition & Addressing I have my SM 2.40 (which I'm running under Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) set to "automatically quote the original message when replying".

This typically generates a reply which (courtesy Walt) starts looking  like:

 > On 08/07/2016 10:06 AM, WaltS48 wrote:

However the header of that original incoming mail I received from Walt (again courtesy Walt) had a standard date line like this:

Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2016 10:06:03 -0400

so in a typical reply, you can see that the original timezone information from Walt's header has been lost. Recipients of my reply won't be able to see how many hours to add or subtract if they want to know what time Walt sent his message.

Often this doesn't really matter, and in cases where everyone is in the same country on the same timezone, the issue doesn't arise at all, but with correspondents scattered all over the world in different timezones, there can be occasions when it does matter.

For this reason, when I reply to emails, I've now taken to the habit of always opening the originating message's source code, copying information from the "Date:" line, and then manually pasting that into my reply so it starts like this:

On Sun, 7th Aug 2016 at 10:06:03 -0400, WaltS48 wrote:

Admittedly it's a bit tedious to have to go through this procedure on every reply, but with correspondents in different timezones, I deem it's worthwhile.

Question is: Could this procedure be somehow conveniently automated with a built-in script or something? Any ideas?

I notice that my SM mailbox listings convert all my received message dates to my own local time so they can be displayed in proper chronological order. This means that SM is already reading and using timezone info from header "Date:" lines, so I'm thinking it ought not to be too difficult to make SM add this info on replies.

Not sure, but I suspect some other email clients, unlike SM, use their own repliers' local times when they generate replies that quote original senders' dates and times. Because they also omit timezone info, as a recipient of such replies in lists like this one, I'm left uncertain whether originating message times are the originators' own local times, or the repliers' local times, or perhaps even UTC!

All very confusing when timezone info is omitted!

   +  John

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