Maybe someone reading this will understand and recognize the problems I describe below, and know enough about SM/Mail to comment on them; I realize that, probably, most will never have encountered something like it, because it happens when you write and receive messages in different text encoding options, and languages different from English...

First, a quick round-up of what I've managed to find involving text encoding in SeaMonkey Mail:

- In "Preferences / Mail & Newsgroups / Text Encoding" options:

. Message Display - Fallback text encoding:
.. Default for current locale
.. Arabic
.. Baltic
.. Central European
.. (etc.)
.. Vietnamese
.. Other, including Western European

. Composing messages - Default text encoding:
.. Default for current locale
.. Arabic
.. Baltic
.. Central European
.. (etc.)
.. Vietnamese
.. Other, including Western European
( ) For messages that contain 8-bit characters, use 'quoted
printable' MIME Encoding; leave unchecked to leave message as is
( ) When possible, use this default text encoding in replies (When
unchecked, only new messages use this default)

- In Mail/News 'New message compose' window menus:

. Options / text encoding:
.. Unicode
.. Western
.. Arabic
.. (etc, etc.)
.. Vietnamese

- In Mail/News 'View messages' windows menus:

. View / text encoding:
.. Auto-detect: Off / Japanese / Russian /Ukrainian
.. Unicode
.. Western
.. Arabic
.. (etc, etc.)
.. Vietnamese

- In Mail/News 'View messages' folders pane:

. Folder Properties / Fallback text encoding:
.. Unicode (UTF-8)
.. Arabic
.. (etc, etc.)
.. Vietnamese
.. Western
( ) Apply encoding to all messages in the folder (individual
message text encoding settings and auto-detection will be ignored)

Now, the problems: I send and receive e-mails in several languages (but mostly English), and have done so using Netscape/MozSuite/SM since 1995; two types of problems have lately been getting worse, so perhaps they're the result of ongoing changes to the SM code, which don't affect most users, who just use one encoding/language -- or maybe I'm just noticing them more nowadays...

First, when a message is received, the "auto-detect" is mostly worse than useless, so I usually start it as "Unicode" or "Western", depending on history (frequently, that's a personal decision by the sender, so guessing is the only way I know) -- and, if I guess wrong, the message is displayed with lots of gibberish characters. Usually, that just means that I have to close and re-open it in the other option, and all will be well -- but, when selecting a message for a 'Reply', if you don't choose the correct option for this particular message, the reply will have gibberish too, so once again you have to delete the reply and start over.

This is a time-wasting bother, but not a serious problem; I just wonder if there is a better way to do this than the one I described...

But, currently, the most serious problem is when I compose a large message with parts in English and parts in another language, and make several drafts: Each time the draft is re-opened for further editing, parts of it have been changed by SM, usually changing some non-English characters into gibberish (Not Unicode!); what's particularly puzzling is that the same character may be changed in some parts of the message and not in others, and where/when this happens seems almost random.

I assume there must be some 'automatic processing' going on (like the "auto-detect" above), but see no way to turn it off; I have tried changing all the above options to "unicode", or to "English", but nothing seems to help...

So, can anyone help with this -- maybe, even if without a definitive diagnosis, but at least pointing out things I might have overlooked or gotten wrong?

Thanks beforehand for your attention, and I hope to hear from you soon.

s) Alexander Yudenitsch   <>

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