On Sat, 12 Nov 2016 14:40:35 +0100, Ricardo Palomares Martí­nez
<rpm.no...@proyectonave.es> wrote:

>El 12/11/16 a las 10:06, Frank-Rainer Grahl escribió:
>> Worst case the bundled extensions aka. Chatzilla, DOM Inspector and
>> Lightning would need to be unbundled from the installer.
>Really? In that case, and given how outdated is nowadays the current
>2.40 version, I see as a sensible move to release a stripped-down
>version, at least for localized versions. Add-on manager should
>provide the update path for Lightning; even if it doesn't, it is easy
>to install updated versions of Chatzilla and Lightning from it. At
>least, far easier than building your own binary (and perceived as
>safer than downloading unofficial localized versions).
>Other option would be releasing only the en-US binaries and provide
>the language packs, but I've been searching fox recent XPIs in nightly
>and candidate directories of releases.mozilla.org with no success.

You'd be better of using one of Adrian's stable 2.46 builds in the
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