DoctorBill wrote:

Jonathan N. Little wrote:

You are putting it in the wrong place, not under the program's
directory but under your profile.

Should go here:



OK...I DO NOT HAVE any c:/ for SeaMonkey !

OK, Jonathan did not mention "c:/" I have no idea where you got that from or why you took it upon yourself to go looking for it.

nor can I find a ----->
"%APPDATA%\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\[RANDOM].default\chrome "

OK, since you're not a tech, you don't understand the shorthand "%APPDATA%." On a Win7 machine, the full path will be

C:\Users\[Your Windows User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\[RANDOM].default\chrome "

where [Your Windows User Name] is self-explanatory and [RANDOM] is an arbitrary string of letters and numbers that no one can predict but you can see. Just go to the path C:\Users\[Your Windows User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\ and look for a subfolder ending in ".default."

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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