On 9/10/17 11:04 AM, Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
I probably need to do a Fx Nightly again just to see what changed but this is all so much urgkkk for only fanboys to love. This is all rushed and I personally hope it backfires but even this would do SeaMonkey no good.

Do you really call Photon and Quantum development over version 55, 56 and 57 nighties, and 57 betas rushed?

When I first saw Australis, I went wtf?, then working with it over a series of Nightlies, I learned how to customize and use it.

Sure about 500,000 users installed CTR, but what percentage of total Firefox users is that.

When I first saw Photon in Fx 55.0, I went wtf?, where did my Menu Button icons go!. Now working with Photon over a series of Nightlies I've learned how to customize and use it.

Do I like all the changes. Not really, but clicking the Library button and having access to Bookmarks, Pocket List, History, Synced Tabs, Screenshots and Downloads is nice.

Call me fanboy if you like. Somebody has to counter the doom and gloom of the whiners.

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