Paul B. Gallagher:
>Hartmut Figge wrote:

>> What you see depends on the setting under View->Message Body As. These
>> options are available:
>> Original HTML
>> Simple HTML
>> Plain Text
>Yes and no. SM does remember if I choose an option for a particular 
>message, but it doesn't apply that setting globally.

Hm, no. Not for my SMs. My standard choice is Plain test and every HTML
message is displayed as such, so long as there *is* a section with

>Your plain-text message was initially displayed as "Original HTML," but 

I don't think so. It was displayed as Plain Text because of the
text/plain in the message.

>I can choose "Plain Text" if I want. There's nothing in your message 
>content or coding that would tell SM to choose "Original HTML," the way 
>a charset specification would tell it which language setting to use, so 
>its choice here seems random.

No. In a multipart message designed for HTML there is a section with
text/html. There may be another section with text/plain. What section SM
chooses depends on the setting for View->Message Body As.

>Looking at another message in my mailbox, which specifies "Content-Type: 
>multipart/alternative; boundary=...," I see that SM chose "Original 
>HTML," which is half-right. It could just as easily have chosen 
>"Original Plain Text," if that were an option, because the message 
>contains both versions. In fact, I sent it as plain text and the 
>listserv added the HTML version.

Hm. I don't know what the listserver is doing. I do not use the list
directly. :) But SM does not choose Original or Simple, it uses the
setting under View for the text/html section.

>So apparently SM uses "Original HTML" unless the user manually changes 
>the setting for a particular message. It doesn't analyze the message 
>content and make a choice.

No. If Plain Text was chosen, SM will always use that. If there is no
text/plain section I assume that the message pane will be empty.

If Original HTML or Simple HTML was selected for View Message Body As,
SM will always use the chosen value if there is a text/html section. If
there is no such but a text/plain section, SM will display this section
as Plain Text.

You could play a little with postings from Good Guy in .general. :)
Dön't forget to use ^u or CTRL+U if in doubt.

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